A cover for a book that highlights the makers and creators of Headwaters, Ontario.
Feature on John-Paul Adamo of Adamo wine in Hockley Valley. Wine that is locally produced within Headwaters by people who care.
Feature on Greg Holmes, a Headwaters based musician who plays guitar, five-string banjo, fiddle, piano, drums and more! He is a familiar face within the Headwaters music scene including Fiddlefest.
Feature on Larry Kurtz, a harp musician and woodworker. Larry put on a free blues concert in Headwaters. He plays an active part in the music scene and is the founder of Orangeville Blues & Jazz Festival.
Feature on The McArthurs; a family of farmers and bakers. They are owners and founders of the Heatherlea Farm Market in Caledon, Ontario.
Feature on Rebecca Landman, a farmer and baker within Grand Valley. Rebecca is the owner of Landman Gardens & Bakery and raises up her own farm.
Feature on David Arrigo; an artist and builder. David Arrigo is the owner of David Arrigo Art in Hockley Valley. He is a sought-after artist and muralist whose designs have been seen in the NHL, race cars and more.

Repurpose With A Purpose

Vintage PSA / Internal Creative

Coronavirus disease or (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a new virus. This global spreading disease causes a respiratory illness that can be fatal. The world has pulled its resources together to help fight this unseen menace. Terms such as 'War on Corona' & 'War-time State of Emergency' have been filling the airways. Immediately thoughts of World War II come to mind and all the government PSAs that were produced during those terrible years. At Touchwood we’ve always been a fan of those posters, their simplicity of message and art. Maybe these great works should be repurposed and updated to address the current situation. It seemed like a logical fit. These works of art were created during key moments in our history. We have arrived at another. 

Using these globally recognized communication pieces created in the 1930s through to the 1960s by the likes of James Montgomery Flagg,
E. McKnight Kauffer, Polya Tibor, Raymond de Valerio, J.Howard Miller, Dick Williams & Jean Carlu to name a few. We recycled them and gave them new meaning to help educate, inform and remind us—We’ve faced terrible things before and we’ll get through this together.

Project Scope: 
Art Direction