Potatoes With Purpose
Downey Farms / Branding
Retailers and producers are looking at new ways to package and sell #2 produce. Misshapen, irregular, and or discoloured produce has become a hot new category among foodies with many grocery store chains looking for their own line of #2 potatoes to compete against the success of Loblaws’ version (Naturally Imperfect). Downey's approached us to create a one-off mini sub-brand for their #2 factory seconds potatoes.
This created an opportunity to be creative with a name and a look that could inform consumers that the potatoes they were buying are beyond imperfect, less expensive and tasty, but sustainable. We thought that the cute, “buy me because I’m ugly” angle had been played out and some grocers had already moved on. As well, these potatoes were not extremely different. They weren't shaped into hearts and unicorns, and they only had slight irregularities, discolouration or bruises, so we couldn’t play up on the “look at me, I’m different” angle. What to do?
People typically buy potatoes based on price–except for roasters. So we thought that informing consumers that their purchase would be helping the planet address food waste and sustainability would be a strong idea. The potatoes weren’t unique, but the bag and the brand could be. It’s a new category so we could take a chance. Our core concept was about sustainability: telling people “we’re doing our part, now you can do yours,” and creating a bit of an activist feel. The look and messaging we created was in-your-face, attention-getting, visually disruptive, reductive and a bit fun.
Project Scope:
Art Direction