Packaging and the blue barnboard speaker.
Barnboard box speakers for to play music off your iphone. This promo client gift came in three beautiful colours: red, green and blue.
Touchwood Design Rad Block speaker perfectly fits an iphone and allows you to erganomically play your favorite top music.
Kraft paper boxes perfectly align with Touchwood Design’s wooden speaker, which allows you to play music off your iphone without any power.

It’s a Block Party

Touchwood Design / Holiday Gift

Each year we present our clients and friends with a unique gift that speaks to our character here at Touchwood Design. A small token of our appreciation for the opportunity to collaborate with such wonderful clients and suppliers.

We collaborated with a local reclaimed wood supplier to present our clients with a powerless acoustic docking system for your iPhone that’s as simple to use as it looks. Like magic, the RAD block will amplify the sound for all to enjoy.

It’s simple, different and easy to work with, much like us.

Project Scope:
Art Direction
Package Design